Application HTTP Stack

Because of the nature of middlewares, the process to resolve them is very linear, like a pipeline, where at the end you receive a response.

A Peak application is composed of a Stack object containing your middleware(s) and/or handler(s). By doing so, you can create a structure of nested middlewares and handlers instead of a linear chain of middlewares.

In other words, a Stack is a group of middlewares which can hold a parent Stack to call if the request have passed through all the middlewares and no response have been returned.

    new MiddlewareA(),
    new MiddlewareB(),
    new MiddlewareC(),
        new MiddlewareD(),
        new MiddlewareE(),
        new MiddlewareF(),
    new HandlerA(),

If we pass a request through the example above, after the MiddlewareF is executed, the child stack call the parent stack to resume the process by calling HandlerA,

A Route is also a Stack

$app->get('/hello', [
    new MiddlewareA(),
    new MiddlewareB(),
        new MiddlewareD(),
        new MiddlewareE(),
    new HandlerA(),

Differences between stack() and createStack()

Internally, when you call method stack(), a new Stack object is created with yours middlewares/handlers and it is stored inside the main internal application Stack afterward.

You cannot call method stack() inside another stack() or stackRoute(), because the child stack will be store before is parent stack.

The same differences between stack() and createStack() applies to stackRoute() and createRoute().

You cannot call method stackRoute() inside a stack() and stackRoute. The same apply to get(), post(), put(), patch(), delete(), all()

// this won't work
$app->stack( [
    new MiddlewareA(),
    new MiddlewareB(),
        new MiddlewareD(),
        new MiddlewareE(),
    $app->get('/hello', new HandlerA())
    new Handler(),

The proper way to nested stacks is to use createStack() and createRoute():

    new MiddlewareA(),
    new MiddlewareB(),
        new MiddlewareD(),
        new MiddlewareE(),
    $app->createRoute('GET', '/hello', new HandlerA())
    new Handler(),

Conditional Stack

$app->stackIfTrue(<condition>, [
    new MiddlewareA(),
    new MiddlewareB(),
    new MiddlewareC(),