Typed Structure

Typed structure help you to enforce types over an array stored in a class while waiting for PHP 7.4 typed properties.

Here an example:

use Peak\Collection\Structure\AbstractStructure;

class User extends AbstractStructure
    public function getStructure(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->integer(),
            'email' => $this->string(),
            'description' => $this->string()->null(),
            'banned' => $this->boolean()->default(true),
            'createdAt' => $this->object(\DateTime::class),
            'misc' => $this->any(),

$user = new User([
    'email' => 'foobar@gmail.com',
    'description' => null,
    'banned' => false,
    'createdAt' => new \DateTime(),

// or
$user = new User();
$user->email = 'foobar@gmail.com';
$user->description = '...';

All unspecified properties at the object creation and defined in your structure will be set to null or their default, if specified.

List of types

Class typing can be done with object($className).

Use any() only when your not sure of the data you will store on a property.

You can combine multiple types to a single property by chaining them:

'bar' => $this->string()->array()->null()

Setting or updating a property

Structure implements __get() and __set(). Setting an unknown property or the wrong type to a defined property will throw an Exception. You may use isset() to check for a property existence.

$user->id = 134; // ok
$user->id = 'test'; // will throw an exception because id has integer type

Immutable structure

Use class AbstractImmutableStructure to create a read-only structure. You will be able to set properties only on object creation. Trying to modify a property after the object creation will throw an Exception.


Structure implement IteratorAggregate.

foreach ($user as $prop => $val) {
    // ..

Other method

$userArray = $user-toArray();